Site Plan
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Victory Plaza
Freedom Plaza
Children's Exposition and Center - Rally Center
Mesne Memorial Bridge
Chapel of Wings
World Trade Center Memorial Museum
Marriott Hotel
Maze of Memories
Rings of Life
Memorial Twin Towers Lakes
Memorial Amphitheatre in the Park
Memorial Park Grounds
River of Names
Fountains and Statues

Victory Plaza

The structure of Victory Plaza consists of four components: three towers, which rise from a 10-story platform, housing commercial and residential elements.

    1. The total height of the central tower, known as Premier(1), is 85 stories. It sits at the apex of its triangular base. The first visible shape at the front of the building is a soaring obelisk of steel and glass, flanked on both sides by progressively wider, lateral extensions from a central spine.

    2. Flanking the tower Premier are the winged towers, known as Impetrate(2)I and Impetrate II. They sit at the corners of the triangular base and raise a total of 65 stories of steel and glass.

    3. The residential and commercial triangular platform of Victory Plaza is known as the Masora(3), and is constructed from concrete, steel and glass. The sides of the triangular base, which are residential, are tiered into a gradual slope with terraces overlooking the park and grounds. An interior 5-story glass-topped atrium is entered from ground level.
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Premier(1) amd the Masora(3)

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Impetrate(2)I and Impetrate II

The 7th Proposal
194 Cinnamon Teal
Aliso Viejo, CA 92656
©2003 The 7th Proposal, All Rights Reserved Worldwide

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